Lincoln Memorial Love

What a lovely family session at the Lincoln Memorial! Ryan got in touch with me and together we planned out a Mother's Day gift for his wife, Amanda. Family photo time! Their son Grant (9) was quiet - much like I was at that age - but willing to be in photos, even staying still for the surprise kiss-monster from Mom and Dad (cute results below!).

There wasn't a cloud in the sky for our session, it was just beautiful weather and not too too hot in the morning. Still, without shade the degrees ticked up and Amanda bought everyone including me a water partway through (thank you again!). The three of them had a great red, white, and blue theme going on for the National Mall, super cute. We wandered around the Lincoln Memorial and captured some lovely family portraits - including the walking ones I love so much. I got a little bit out of Grant, who loves his Playstation 5 and particularly MLB baseball games. Also, fun fact, he has a YouTube channel with 14 subscribers! Maybe even more by now - impressive for nine years old!

Ryan and Grant both did a good job with the harsh sunlight, and we used a few tricks to protect their eyes and get great photos. Bright days can be tricky, and we got into a good rhythm to capture photos with smiles and open eyes. We had so much fun throughout this session!

Ryan, Amanda, Grant: I am so glad to have met you, and I had a great time with you at the Lincoln Memorial!

Mom, son (9), and Dad walk and hold hands by the columns at Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument behind them
Mom and Dad surprise son with kisses on either side
Dad looks on as Mom hugs son after kisses
Dad, son, and Mom pose during family photography
Dad, son, and Mom pose in front of the Washington Monument in DC
wife and husband hold hands and walk towards camera; wife giggles as husband looks at her
son poses in front of parents from a distance, and they are slightly blurred behind him
Mom, son (9), and Dad walk and hold hands by the columns at Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument behind them
son poses by a column, Reflecting Pool and Washington Monument behind him
Mom and son pose
Dad and son pose
Husband and wife have arms around each other
Family poses directly in front of Reflecting Pool in Washington DC
family stands in front of Lincoln Memorial
family poses underneath trees
son and Dad hold hands, walking towards camera
son and Mom hold hands, walking towards camera
Family poses in front of Lincoln Memorial wall